In my chosen writing project, I began to see reviewing and writing my second draft as a much more recursive process. Earlier on in the semester I definitely had what Nancy Sommers considered to be the thesaurus philosophy of writing. I often saw reviewing as just a way to change little things and make small edits on my paper, never trying to make wholesale changes. The social media project was probably the first time that I started to actually make bigger changes. During this project, I looked carefully at my first draft, noticing where I lacked certain elements, such as explanation of a quote, or transition sentences. Once I began to open up to the idea of making bigger changes, I was able to make significant revisions. These revisions included adding a paragraph after the introduction that added background information, allowing the reader to have a better understanding of what I was talking about. In addition to this edit, I spent some time adding in more explanation of quotes. I did this specifically in my second claim, where I added more to my explanation of the first quote I used. This also ended up helping me connect it better to another quote that I was using later on in this claim. This growth in my revision process demonstrates that my philosophy on revision is changing for the better, as  I am shifting away from the rewording, thesaurus mindset on writing. In the future I will continue to work on getting even better when it comes to writing as a recursive process.